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Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

Affiliate Marketing Bisnis Praktis

Internet Marketing Indonesia January 3rd, 2009 by Mufli
Salah satu alasan mengapa internet marketing saya pilih adalah karena keprakisannya. Bisnis-bisnis Praktis adalah bisnis yang tidak ribet, yang tidak bertele-tele, yang tidak berurusan dengan banyak birokrasi, bisnis praktis tidak pula perlu repot dalam proses melakukan transaksi seperti penjualan atau pembelian.

Apalagi jika belum punya produk dan memfokuskan diri pada sisi affiliate marekting, maka bagi pelakunya hampir-hampir hanya modal ngomong doang, saking praktisnya. Bagaimana tidak? Client membeli sendiri, membayar sendiri. Affiliate Owner mengirimkan barang langsung ke client atau kalau yang sifatnya digital produk maka produk tersebut bisa langsung diakses client secara online.

Memang benar, dibalik sebuah bisnis tentu terdapat proses-proses back office seperti pencatatan-pencatatan, penciptaan produk, mungkin inventory, sampai ke laporan keuangan. Namun bagian tersebut dikerjakan oleh Affiliate Owner (yang punya produk). Sedangkan pemasar atau Affiliate Marketer lebih fokus pada menceritakannya saja, mungkin juga membantu pembeli memahami, menggunakan, mengoptimalkan kegunaan produk yang mereka beli sebagai bentuk layanan purna pembelian.

Saya rasa itu sebabnya banyak pelaku internet marketing di Indonesia yang menjalankan bisnis periklanan seperti Google Adsense, karena kepraktisannya tersebut. Saya pun bergerak salah satunya dibidang ini. Karena praktis maka tenaga dan waktu bisa juga digunakan untuk mengerjakan banyak hal lainnya.

Walapun Affiliate Marketing memang praktis, tetaplah ia merupakan truly business, dan tetap harus benar-benar dijalankan selayaknya bisnis. Bagaimana pendapat Anda?

Kamis, 28 Januari 2010

Asia-Pacific to Drive Global GPS Handset Sales to 2013

The rapidly growing GPS market has been fueling the growth of the GPS-enabled handset market worldwide. Chipset manufacturers are equipped with solutions that enable the integration of GPS in handsets at low cost and provide significant improvements in terms of accuracy, time-to-first-fix, and reception in indoor environment. According to our latest research report, “World GPS Market Forecast to 2013”, sales of GPS-enabled mobile phones are forecast to grow at a CAGR of more than 20% during 2009-2013.

Although the world will see a single digit growth in GPS-enabled mobile phone sales during 2009, we foresee full recovery starting from 2010 onwards. In order to gain better insight of the market, we have done extensive research to identify the current and future GPS market trends on the regional level. Analysis has been done on the major geographic markets such as the Americas, Europe and Asian-Pacific countries. Our report identifies that among all the regions, the future growth in GPS-enabled mobile phone market will be driven by the APAC region. The research also highlights the reasons that will make APAC a dominant player in the GPS-enabled handsets shipment by 2013.

Moving ahead, our research also classifies the countries which will drive growth in the region’s GPS-enabled mobile phone market. For instance, the research anticipates the GPS-enabled handset market in China to grow at a whopping rate, well above the industry standard. The factors which will drive the future market growth have been thoroughly analyzed in the report and the numbers for the future market have been estimated.

We have tried to offer a comprehensive review of the global GPS market through this report. Thorough evaluation of the current industry trends and developments vital for the success of the overall GPS market has been done. Besides this, the report also analyzes the end-user applications, including In-vehicle Navigation, Survey/Mapping, Machine Control and others. It also covers opportunities that remain untapped for various vertical segments in the market, such as new advanced access devices, chipset availability and PND market.
by: Shushmul Maheshwari

Global IT Security Market Remains Upbeat Despite Recession

Global IT security market, including security appliances, security software and security services, has continued to witness strong demand across all segments, indicating healthy growth prospects in coming years. According to our latest research report, “Global IT Security Market Forecast to 2013”, the global IT security market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of nearly 11% during 2009-2013, defying the IT budget cuts amid the current economic slowdown. The rising security concerns from rapidly increasing multifaceted threats among corporate across the world will continue fueling the growth of the global IT security market.

Our research reveals that the current market is dominated by the IT security software, which accounted for an estimated 44% of the global IT security market in 2008. However, major growth will be seen in the IT security services market over the forecast period. Our research foresees CAGR of around 12%, 9% and 13% for security appliances, security software and security services respectively during 2009-2013.

The report further highlights that UTM will remain the fastest growing segment of the security appliances market, with an anticipated CAGR of around 25% during the forecast period. Other segments, such as IPD and VPN, will also grow at a modest pace in near future. Meanwhile, our report identifies SCTM as leading segment of the security software market, followed by IAM and SVM. Growth across all the segments of IT security market will be driven by rising demand for security solutions worldwide, owing to deployment of IT among vertical sectors, such as finance, retail and telecommunication, aimed at cost cutting amid recession.

“Global IT Security Market Forecast to 2013” provides an overview on the current and future scenario of the world IT security market. It studies the global IT security market into three segments: Security Appliances, Security Software and Security Services. The research also studies the market on regional as well as country level and provides forecast for each country’s IT Industry. The research also contains various ongoing and emerging trends in the global IT security market, thus helping the IT security vendors to identify opportunities that may prove critical to their growth in the concerned market.
by: Shushmul Maheshwar
For FREE SAMPLE of this report visit: http://www.rncos.com/Report/IM222.htm


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